Sources used for collation: AnGa-1594; AnGa-1603; Ma-Ga-1614
Other sources: Ka-1601; Ph-1609; Ph-heirs-1632
Measures | Sources – Voices | Variants |
51 | Ma-Ga-1614 – A |
sharp after (instead of before) the second M g3 |
Lines | Sources – Voices | Variants |
2 | Tirsi | |
4 | legg'empio | |
5 | dall'un'e | |
6 | stilland'amaro | |
11 | dogli'e | |
12 | opressa | |
14 | Dhe | |
14 | car'anima | |
14 | animia |
“Rimanti in pace”, a la dolente e bella / Ond’ei, di morte la sua faccia impressa
Livio Celiano (Angelo Grillo)
(Prima parte) | ||
“Rimanti in pace”, a la dolente e bella | “Remain in peace” Thyrsis said sighing | |
Cloride Tirsi sospirando disse. | to the sorrowful and fair Chloris. | |
“Rimanti, io me ne vo, tal mi prescrisse | “Remain, I shall go, this was prescribed | |
Legge, empio fato e sorte aspr’e rubella”. | by law, cruel fate and harsh, hostile destiny”. | |
5 | Ed ella, ora dall’una e l’altra stella | And she, dripping bitter fluid |
Stillando amaro umore, i lumi affisse | now from one eye, now from the other, | |
Nei lumi del suo Tirsi e gli trafisse | fixed her eyes in the eyes of her Thyrsis, | |
Il cor di pietosissime quadrella. | and pierced his heart with the most tender quarrels. | |
(Seconda parte) | ||
Ond’ei, di morte la sua faccia impressa, | Whence he, with death imprinted on his face, | |
10 | Disse: “Ahi, come n’andrò senz’il mio sole | said: “Alas, how can I go from here without my sun, |
Di martir in martir, di doglie e ’n doglie?” | from torment to torment, from pain to pain?” | |
Ed ella, da sospiri e pianti oppressa, | And she, oppressed with sighs and tears, | |
Debilmente formò queste parole: | faintly uttered these words: | |
“Deh, cara anima mia, chi mi vi toglie?” | “Alas, my dear soul, who takes you away from me?” |
English translations of madrigal texts based with permission on those by Kathryn Bosi, The complete five voice madrigals: for mixed voices / IV, The sixth and seventh books. New York: Gaudia Music and Arts, 1996.
Rime di diversi celebri poeti dell’età nostra, ed. G.B. Licino, Bergamo: Comino Ventura e Compagni, 1587 (available online as of November 2019); Nuova scielta di rime di diversi illustri poeti, Bergamo: Comino Ventura e Compagni, 1592.
The second line in the original text by Livio Celiano (“Fillida Tirsi sospirando disse”) has been modified to accommodate the name Cloride. Other relevant variants occur in the last tercet: Rime di diversi 1587 has “singhiozzi” instead of “sospiri” (line 9) and “Fievolmente” instead of “Debilmente” (line 10).