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Sources used for collation: AnGa-1594; AnGa-1603; Ma-Ga-1614

Other sources: Ka-1601; Ph-1609; Ph-heirs-1632

Lines Sources – Voices Variants

AnGa-1594 – CTB

AnGa-1603 – CTB

Ma-Ga-1614 – all voices

contento (lectio facilior)

AnGa-1603 – A

Altr'il Ciel, altr'Amore
contento (lectio facilior) (AnGa-1594 – CTB)
contento (lectio facilior) (AnGa-1603 – CTB)
contento (lectio facilior) (Ma-Ga-1614 – all voices)
Altr'il Ciel, altr'Amore (AnGa-1603 – A)

Edition and commentary

Clori mia, Clori dolce, oh sempre nuovo

Giovanni Battista Strozzi the Elder

Madrigal: AbbAacCdD

Clori mia, Clori dolce, oh sempre nuovoMy Chloris, sweet Chloris, o ever new
E più chiaro concento!and brighter harmony!
Quanta dolcezza sentoHow much sweetness do I feel
In sol Clori dicendo! Io mi pur provo,in saying just “Chloris”? I try,
5Né qui tra noi ritrovo,and yet I find no harmony,
Né tra ’ cieli armonianeither here among us nor in the heavens,
Che del bel nome suo più dolce sia:that is sweeter than her beautiful name:
Altro il Ciel, altro Amore,Heaven, Love and the echo of my heart
Altro non suona l’eco del mio core.do not resound anything else.

English translations of madrigal texts based with permission on those by Kathryn Bosi, The complete five voice madrigals: for mixed voices / IV, The sixth and seventh books. New York: Gaudia Music and Arts, 1996.

Contemporary editions

Giovanni Battista Strozzi, Madrigali, ed. Lorenzo and Filippo Strozzi, Florence: Sermatelli, 1593. See Chater, “Family Matters”, 129.


The original incipit of Strozzi’s text (“Filli mia, Filli dolce, oh sempre nuovo”) has been modified to accommodate the name Clori.