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Sources used for collation: AnGa-1594; AnGa-1603; Ma-Ga-1614

Other sources: Ka-1601; Ph-1609; Ph-heirs-1632

Measures Sources – Voices Variants





first SM d3 instead of c3 (corrected ope ingenii)

48 AnGa-1603 – C

SB a3 instead of b3

AnGa-1594 – AnGa-1603 – Ma-Ga-1614 – first SM d3 instead of c3 (corrected ope ingenii)
AnGa-1603 – SB a3 instead of b3
Lines Sources – Voices Variants

Ma-Ga-1614 – all voices


AnGa-1603 – Q

trafigge (Ma-Ga-1614 – all voices)
giust'e (AnGa-1603 – Q)

Edition and commentary

Amor, se giusto sei

Madrigal: abbCDdCEEDD

Amor, se giusto sei,Love, if you are fair,
Fa’ che la donna miamake my lady too be fair.
Anch’ella giusta sia.
Io l’amo, tu ’l conosci ed ella il vede;I love her, you know it, and she sees it;
5Costei mi strazia e mi traffigge il core,she tortures and pierces through my heart,
Ma, per maggior dolorebut for my greater pain,
E per dispreggio tuo, non mi dà fede.and scorning you, she does not trust me.
Non sostener, Amor, che nel tuo regnoDo not allow, Love, that in your kingdom
Là dov’ho sparsa fè vi mieti sdegno,I harvest disdain where I have sown loyalty,
10Ma, come giusto e non empio signore,but, as a fair lord, not a merciless one,
Fa’ che premio d’amor sia sempr’amore.make the reward for love always be love.

English translations of madrigal texts based with permission on those by Kathryn Bosi, The complete five voice madrigals: for mixed voices / IV, The sixth and seventh books. New York: Gaudia Music and Arts, 1996.