Sources used for collation: AnGa-1594; AnGa-1603; Ma-Ga-1614
Other sources: Ka-1601; Ph-1609; Ph-heirs-1632
Measures | Sources – Voices | Variants | ||
1 | Ma-Ga-1614 – A |
mensuration sign C instead of C-cut |
16 |
d3 SM instead of M |
36 | Ma-Ga-1614 – T |
first c3 SM instead of M |
42 | Ma-Ga-1614 – Q |
e3 SM instead of M |
42 | AnGa-1603 – A |
second F b2 instead of a2 |
Lines | Sources – Voices | Variants |
1 | car'oggetto | |
1 | ogetto | |
2 | sento e (in A sento is followed by rests) | |
2 | nell'alm' | |
4 | fontan'e | |
5 | consum'e | |
9 | Dillel la | |
9 | speranza (truncated repetition, not directly followed by e) |
Ben ho del caro oggetto i sensi privi / Dille la mia speranz’e ’l mio desio
Annibale Caro (attr.)
(Prima parte) | ||
Ben ho del caro oggetto i sensi privi, | My senses are deprived of my dear object, | |
Ma ’l veggio e ’l sent’e l’ho ne l’alm’impresso, | and yet I see it, I feel it, and I have it imprinted in my soul, | |
Come suol egro che, da sete oppresso, | as a sick man does, who, oppressed by thirst, | |
Ha sempre nel pensier fontane e rivi; | always thinks of fountains and streams. | |
5 | E s’io qui mi consumo e ’l mio sol ivi | And if I consume myself here |
Altrui risplende, Amor, dille tu stesso, | while my sun shines there for another, tell her yourself, o Love, | |
Poi ch’io non ho di te più fido messo, | since I have no messenger more loyal than you, | |
La mia gioia e ’l mio duol onde derivi. | which is the origin of my joy and my pain. | |
(Seconda parte) | ||
Dille la mia speranz’e ’l mio desio, | Tell her of my hope and of my longing, | |
10 | Come l’aspett’ognor, come l’invoco | how I always wait for her, how I invoke her, |
E com’io senza lei più non son io. | and how without her I am no longer myself. | |
Dille che non fia mai tempo né loco | Tell her that there will never be a time or place | |
Che spenga o scemi pur l’incendio mio, | which might smother or even moderate my fire, | |
Poi ch’ardo più quant’ho più lung’il foco. | since the farther from me the fire is, the more I burn. |
English translations of madrigal texts based with permission on those by Kathryn Bosi, The complete five voice madrigals: for mixed voices / IV, The sixth and seventh books. New York: Gaudia Music and Arts, 1996.
See Notes below.
According to Cecchi, “The attribution to Annibal Caro can be found in De le rime di diversi nobili poeti toscani, raccolte da m. Dionigi Atanagi, libro primo (Venice: Lodovico Avanzo, 1565), c. 5v” (“List of Secular and Devotional Compositions by Luca Marenzio,” 490, n. XLIV). Elsewhere the poem is attributed to Flaminio Orsini (in Rime di diversi ecc. autori, in vita, e in morte dell’Ill. S. Livia Col., Rome: Antonio Barré, 1555) or to Silvia Piccolomini. See James Chater, Luca Marenzio and the Italian Madrigal, 1577–1593, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1981, I, 208.