Sources used for collation: AnGa-1594; AnGa-1603; Ma-Ga-1614
Other sources: Ka-1601; Ph-1609; Ph-heirs-1632; lute tablature in 1612-18
Lines | Sources – Voices | Variants |
2 | Perdon'al | |
4 | de sì | |
5 | risplend'il | |
7 | fiamm'io |
Donna de l’alma mia, de la mia vita
Torquato Tasso, Convito di Pastori, 71–77
Unrhymed hendecasyllables (endecasillabi sciolti)
Donna de l’alma mia, de la mia vita, | Lady of my soul, of my life, | |
Perdona al folle ardir, t’amo, t’adoro, | forgive my foolish temerity: I love you, I adore you, | |
E ardo del tuo ardor; né ti sdegnare | and I burn of your ardor; and do not be offended | |
S’io son vil esca di sì nobil fiamma, | if I am the worthless tinder of such a noble flame, | |
5 | Ch’ognuno scald’a cui risplende il sole. | since each one on whom the sun shines is warmed. |
Deh, gradisci il mio cor, questo cor fido | Pray accept my heart, this faithful heart | |
Ch’arso da le tue fiamme io ti consacro. | that, burned by your flames, I devote to you. |
English translations of madrigal texts based with permission on those by Kathryn Bosi, The complete five voice madrigals: for mixed voices / IV, The sixth and seventh books. New York: Gaudia Music and Arts, 1996.
Rime di diversi celebri poeti dell’età nostra, ed. G.B. Licino, Bergamo: Comino Ventura e Compagni, 1587 (available online as of November 2019); Torquato Tasso, Il rimanente delle rime nuove, Ferrara: V. Baldini, 1587 (available online as of November 2019).