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Sources used for collation: AnGa-1594; AnGa-1603; Ma-Ga-1614

Other sources: Ka-1601; Ph-1609; Ph-heirs-1632; lute tablature in 1612-18

Lines Sources – Voices Variants

AnGa-1594 – TQ

Ma-Ga-1614 – TQ


AnGa-1594 – B

Ma-Ga-1614 – CTB

de sì

AnGa-1594 – CAT


AnGa-1594 – C1A1Q1,3

AnGa-1603 – C1,3A1TQ1,3

Ma-Ga-1614 – C1A1Q1,3

Perdon'al (AnGa-1594 – TQ)
Perdon'al (Ma-Ga-1614 – TQ)
de sì (AnGa-1594 – B)
de sì (Ma-Ga-1614 – CTB)
risplend'il (AnGa-1594 – CAT)
fiamm'io (AnGa-1594 – C1A1Q1,3 )
fiamm'io (AnGa-1603 – C1,3A1TQ1,3 )
fiamm'io (Ma-Ga-1614 – C1A1Q1,3 )

Edition and commentary

Donna de l’alma mia, de la mia vita

Torquato Tasso, Convito di Pastori, 71–77

Unrhymed hendecasyllables (endecasillabi sciolti)

Donna de l’alma mia, de la mia vita,Lady of my soul, of my life,
Perdona al folle ardir, t’amo, t’adoro,forgive my foolish temerity: I love you, I adore you,
E ardo del tuo ardor; né ti sdegnareand I burn of your ardor; and do not be offended
S’io son vil esca di sì nobil fiamma,if I am the worthless tinder of such a noble flame,
5Ch’ognuno scald’a cui risplende il sole.since each one on whom the sun shines is warmed.
Deh, gradisci il mio cor, questo cor fidoPray accept my heart, this faithful heart
Ch’arso da le tue fiamme io ti consacro.that, burned by your flames, I devote to you.

English translations of madrigal texts based with permission on those by Kathryn Bosi, The complete five voice madrigals: for mixed voices / IV, The sixth and seventh books. New York: Gaudia Music and Arts, 1996.

Contemporary editions

Rime di diversi celebri poeti dell’età nostra, ed. G.B. Licino, Bergamo: Comino Ventura e Compagni, 1587 (available online as of November 2019); Torquato Tasso, Il rimanente delle rime nuove, Ferrara: V. Baldini, 1587 (available online as of November 2019).