Sources used for collation: AnGa-1594; AnGa-1603; Ma-Ga-1614
Other sources: Ka-1601; Ph-1609; Ph-heirs-1632
Measures | Sources – Voices | Variants |
17-18 | Ma-Ga-1614 – T |
on toglie, SM f2 and SB g2 instead of a2-b2 |
48 | AnGa-1603 – C |
second note (a3) SB instead of M |
51 | Ma-Ga-1614 – B |
M f2 instead of e2 |
Lines | Sources – Voices | Variants |
2 | dunqu'il | |
6 | ehe | |
6 | dividii | |
6 | congius’ |
S’io parto, i’ moro, e pur partir conviene
Ridolfo Arlotti
Madrigal: AabBCC
S’io parto, i’ moro, e pur partir conviene: | If I leave, I shall die, and yet it is necessary that I leave: | |
Morrò, dunque, il mio bene | I shall die, then, my love, | |
E questa mia partita | and this departure | |
Che mi ti toglie mi torrà la vita. | which takes me away from you will take my life from me. | |
5 | Dolorosa partita che m’uccidi! | O painful departure, you who slay me, |
Quei che congiuns’Amor perché dividi? | Why do you separate those whom Love united? |
English translations of madrigal texts based with permission on those by Kathryn Bosi, The complete five voice madrigals: for mixed voices / IV, The sixth and seventh books. New York: Gaudia Music and Arts, 1996.
Parnaso de poetici ingegni, Parma: per il Viotti, 1611.