Sources used for collation: Vi-1587 (T2 not included in the Bass part book of F-Pn); Am-1587; AnGa-1593; Sc-heir-1603; AnGa-1605
Other sources: Ph-1594; Ka-1608; Ph-1610; 159011; 159210; 1594Lost; Ka-1610; D-Rp, Ms A. R. 1011–1017 (motet contrafactum Sacrum coelesti nos lumen)
Measures | Sources – Voices | Variants | ||
1 | Vi-1587 – B2 |
mensuration sign missing |
8 |
missing |
14 | Sc-heir-1603 – B1 |
f2 instead of g2 |
26 | Sc-heir-1603 – C2 |
e4 instead of d4 |
45 | Sc-heir-1603 – T2 |
M rest erroneously inserted in-between |
49-50 | AnGa-1605 – C1 |
g3 instead of a3 |
69 |
missing |
Lines | Sources – Voices | Variants |
1 | celeste lnme | |
4 | dentro a | |
6 | Straguaanza | |
6 | Stravaganze | |
6 | Stravganza | |
6 | Stravanga | |
7 |
Am-1587 – C12A12T12B12C22A22T22B22 |
arda in |
7 | mal non | |
7 | strug’un | |
7 | strugga un | |
7 | strugg’un il core | |
7 | strugg’uu core | |
8 | stravaganza |
Donne, il celeste lume
Cristoforo Castelletti, from the Commedy Le stravaganze d’amore (Madrigale to be sung at the end of Act IV)
Madrigal: xAaBBcC
Donne, il celeste lume | Ladies, the celestial light | |
De gl’occhi vostri, che sì dolce splende, | of your eyes, which shines so sweetly, | |
I nostri petti accende; | inflames our hearts;. | |
Ma l’alma, dentr’a le gran fiamme vive, | but our soul does not melt inside the lively flames, | |
5 | Non sface, anzi di lor si nutre e vive. | and it is nourished and enlived by them instead. |
Stravaganza d’Amore, | Strange paradox of Love, | |
Ch’ard’in eterno e mai non strugg’un core. | which eternally burns, but never consumes a heart. | |
Canto terzo (se piace): | ||
Stravaganze d’Amore | Strange paradoxes of Love. |
The translations are partially indebited to the ones by Barbara Reynolds in Luca Marenzio, The Complete Six Voice Madrigals. Vol IV: The Fourth Book of Madrigal for Six Voices, ed. John Steele and Suzanne Court (New York: Gaudia, 2002).
Le Stravaganze d’Amore, Comedia di Christoforo Castelletti (Venice: Sella, 1587), 74
The text printed in the comedy corresponds to Marenzio’s one. On the composer’s role in the intermedia for Cristoforo Castelletti’s Le Stravaganze d’Amore see James Chater, “Castelletti’s “Stravaganze d’amore” (1585): a Comedy with Interludes,” Studi Musicali viii 1979, 85–148.