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Sources used for collation: Vi-1587; Am-1587; AnGa-1593; Sc-heir-1603; AnGa-1605

Other sources: Ph-1594; Ka-1608; Ph-1610; 15899; 15934; 159713; 16058; 16059; 161412; 162814; 159724 (English contrafactum So sayth my faire and beautifull)

Measures Sources – Voices Variants
2 Vi-1587 – C

a3; previously c4, then corrected

Vi-1587 – a3; previously c4, then corrected
Lines Sources – Voices Variants

Vi-1587 – S1

e noa si può

Vi-1587 – Q1S

AnGa-1593 – all voices

Sc-heir-1603 – all voices

AnGa-1605 – all voices

begl’occh’il miro

Vi-1587 A3Q6S2


Vi-1587 – B

poo tocar

Vi-1587 – Q8

posso tocca
e noa si può (Vi-1587 – S1 )
begl’occh’il miro (Vi-1587 – Q1S)
begl’occh’il miro (AnGa-1593 – all voices)
begl’occh’il miro (Sc-heir-1603 – all voices)
begl’occh’il miro (AnGa-1605 – all voices)
tocar (Vi-1587 A3Q6S2 )
poo tocar (Vi-1587 – B)
posso tocca (Vi-1587 – Q8 )

Edition and commentary

Dice la mia bellissima Licori

Giovanni Battista Guarini

Madrigal: XaABbccDd

Dice la mia bellissima Licori,My beautiful Lycoris tells me,
Quando talor favellowhen I talk to her about Love,
Seco d’Amor, ch’Amor è un spiritellothat Love is a spirit
Che vaga e vola e non si può tenere,that wanders, flies and cannot be held,
5Né toccar, né vedere.nor touched, nor seen.
E pur se gl’occhi giro,If I turn my eyes, though,
Nei suoi begl’occhi il miro,I see it in her fair eyes,
Ma no ’l posso toccar, ché sol si toccabut I cannot touch it, since it can only be touched
In quella bella bocca.on those beautiful lips.

The translations are partially indebited to the ones by Barbara Reynolds in Luca Marenzio, The Complete Six Voice Madrigals. Vol IV: The Fourth Book of Madrigal for Six Voices, ed. John Steele and Suzanne Court (New York: Gaudia, 2002).

Contemporary editions

Rime de diversi, ed. Licino (Venezia, 1587): also in Rime del molto illustre Signor Cavaliere Battista Guarini (Venice: Ciotti, 1598), 96v (available online as of September 2024).