Sources used for collation: Vi-1587; Am-1587; AnGa-1593; Sc-heir-1603; AnGa-1605
Other sources: Ph-1594; Ka-1608; Ph-1610; 159713
Lines | Sources – Voices | Variants |
2 | perch’è dolc’e cara | |
2 | perch’è dolce e cara | |
2 | perché è dolce e cara | |
5 | de la partenza mia | |
5 | de la partita ria | |
5 | de la patita ria |
La dipartita è amara
Giovanni Battista Nicolucci, known as ‘Pigna’
Madrigal: aabbcc
La dipartita è amara, | Taking leave is bitter, | |
Ma perché è dolc’e cara | but since sweet and dear to me | |
La giunta del ritorno, | is the moment of return, | |
Da l’infelice giorno | from the unhappy day | |
5 | De la partenza ria | of cruel departure |
Nasce la gioia mia. | my happiness is born. |
The translations are partially indebited to the ones by Barbara Reynolds in Luca Marenzio, The Complete Six Voice Madrigals. Vol IV: The Fourth Book of Madrigal for Six Voices, ed. John Steele and Suzanne Court (New York: Gaudia, 2002).
None – preserved in manuscript form in Ferrara, Biblioteca Comunale Ariostea, 252.
G. Battista Pigna, Il ben divino: inedito a cura di Neuro Bonifazi (Bologna: Commissione per i testi di lingua, 1965), 89.
The last line refers to the opening of a well-known madrigal by Striggio, Nasce la pena mia, which, in a play on words and meanings, becomes in Pigna Nasce la gioia mia. See James Chater, Luca Marenzio and the Italian Madrigal. 1577–1593 (Ann Arbor: UMI, 1981), vol. I, 11.