Sources used for collation: Vi-1587; Am-1587; AnGa-1593; Sc-heir-1603; AnGa-1605
Other sources: Ph-1594; Ka-1608; Ph-1610; 159713; 159029 (English contrafactum When Meliboeus’ soul, flying hence, departed / Now twinkling stars do smile, and dance)
Measures | Sources – Voices | Variants | ||
5 | Vi-1587 (I-Vnm copy only) – C |
dotted g4 instead of f4; in all other consulted copies, the g4 is clearly corrected to an f4 |
20 | Vi-1587 – Q |
d4 corrected by erasing and reprinting, except for I-Bc and GB-Obl(?) where the correction is done with a pasted cutout |
10 | AnGa-1605 – C |
missing |
71 | Vi-1587 – C |
dotted SM instead of F |
94 | Vi-1587 – all voices |
proportion sign 2/3, except in the B partbook of the F-Pn copy, where the proportion sign is 3/2 |
94 |
proportion sign 3/2, later erased and corrected in C |
128 | Vi-1587 – C |
added later in all copies |
Lines | Sources – Voices | Variants |
2 | rapto fui | |
2 | com’in chiusa | |
3 | guerier’in | |
4 | ond’egl’è | |
5 | dolc’arringo | |
5 | arring’alteramente | |
6 | legiadra | |
10 | colp’impressi | |
10 | impresi | |
10 | perch’a voto | |
10 | arm’e tai | |
12 | e aon si sdegni | |
14 | a l’una | |
14 | erroneous repetition at the end of the phrase o fra le due fa terzo fra le, instead of the correct o fra le due fa terzo Amor. |
Di nettare amoroso ebro la mente / Sonar le labra, e vi restaro i segni
Torquato Tasso
(Prima parte) | ||
Di nettare amoroso ebro la mente | [With] my mind drunk on love’s nectar | |
Ratto fui, né so come, in chiusa chiostra, | I was captured, and know not how, into a sealed cloister, | |
E due belle d’amor guerrier’in giostra | And two of Love’s warrior beauties in a joust | |
Vidi con l’arme ond’egli è sì possente. | I saw, with the weapons whereby he is so mighty; | |
5 | Vidi ch’in dolce arringo alteramente | I saw that in the sweet fight proudly |
Fer pria di lor beltà leggiadra mostra, | They first made a graceful show of their beauty, | |
Poi, movendosi incontra ove s’inostra | Then, moving together where their mouth turns to ruby, | |
La bocca, si ferir di bacio ardente. | They wounded each other with an ardent kiss. | |
(Seconda parte) | ||
Sonar le labra, e vi restaro i segni | Their lips resounded, and on them remained the signs | |
10 | Di colpi impressi. Amor, deh, perché a vòto | Of the blows [that] bruised [them]. Love, oh why |
Tant’arme e tai percosse usar da scherzo? | [Are] such weapons and such strikes used emptily in jest? | |
Provinsi in vera pugna, e non si sdegni | Let them prove themselves in a real fight and not disdain | |
Scontro d’amante. Amor, me tuo devoto | A lover’s skirmish. Love, [let] me, your devotee | |
Opponi all’una, o fra le due fa terzo. | Oppose one—or, between the two, make me a third. |
Translation from the Tasso in Music Project (available online as of August 2021).
Rime del signor Torquato Tasso. Parte prima. […] (Venice: Manuzio, 1581), 63 (available online as of September 2024).
The Marenzio and the Tasso 1581 versions correspond; thus the composer could have derived his text from the print. In Vi-1587 (I-Vnm copy only), “T. Tasso” is added by hand on the upper margin. For the use of the Aldine edition by Marenzio, see also the notes to n. 12.